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Solar Power Hydropump

Completed: November 2021 for Honors Introduction to Innovation and Physical Science of Engineering



  • Solar power is a common energy source, but often unavailable/inefficient, as 10-25% of normal power output is captured on cloudy days

  • Hydroelectric power can be combined with solar panels to satisfy energy needs



  • Design a hydropump that has an efficiency of 80% +/- 5% and that costs less than $1M

  • Make ethical, environmentally-conscious decisions given several different site choices


Site Options

  • Site 1: 

    • Fees: requires a short access road to be built, $18,000 site prep, contains possible hazardous chemicals costing $300-$510 per metric ton​

    • Geography: small incline, smallest horizontal distance from river

  • Site 2:

    • Fees: Requires longer access road, $36,000 site prep, is possibly an ancient burial site costing $2k-$7k per dug up grave​

    • Geography: steep incline, furthest distance from river

  • Site 3:

    • Fees: Requires longest access road, $21,600 site prep, possible erosion monitoring with unknown long-term costs​

    • Geography: in between site 1 and 2 for incline and distance

Site Decision Matrix
  • Zone 1 was decided upon

Programming Theory

  • A Python program was generated to evaluate efficiency, cost, area of reservoir, and fill/empty time

  • Ran code with various pipe, pump, and turbine quality, as well as the number of bends

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