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Electric Vehicle Panel Plugs

Completed: August 2021 for Echo Engineering & Production Supplies


  • Rise of electric vehicles have generated increased demand for panel plugs, specifically those that are watertight over 1 meter (IPX8-rated), dampen sound, and are easy to install

  • Only a few of Echo's previously-designed plugs actually pass tests

  • No design patterns existed that guaranteed watertight sealing


  • Design 8+ catalog-ready panel plugs on SolidWorks and perform in-house testing

  • Develop measurement ratios and formulas to allow for easy, scalable sizing while still meeting all testing requirements

Market Research

  • No competitors in market offer ready-to-order, catalog panel plugs that satisfy popular customer needs


  • Each plug went through 3+ redesign phases due to failure to pass water column testing

  • Molds were created using SolidWorks, then injected in-house


  • Each of the 8 plugs were sent to labs where they passed official testing

  • Sample catalog pages can be found below (new plugs are highlighted in orange, old plugs that passed testing are highlighted in grey)

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